GISH 2020: The craziest fun ever had for good!

Sometimes you agree to do something completely unusual and later you find yourself thinking that agreeing to do that thing seemed like a good idea at the time you agreed to do it. And you wonder if you should have agreed to do it. But you know you'll never regret it!


A few months ago my family and I participated in our first mini Great International Scavenger Hunt, GISH for short. It was a weekend that knocked me out of my comfort zone AND out of the funk COVID-19 and the goings-on in the world had thrown me into. I wrote about that experience here. So when the opportunity to participate in the week-long version of the hunt presented itself, I jumped right in. Not only did I jump right in, but I convinced friends and family member to join me and we formed our own team. 


Over the past few weeks I've found myself explaining what GISH is, the good GISH does and why I need really strange things for GISH over and over. 


What is GISH? More than an event, GISH is a community of people who see the bad in the world, look for the good in the world and work together to make the world better. 


Over the past 10 years the people who make up the GISH Community have committed their funds, their time and their creativity to make the world a little better. Some might see the things GISHers do as a little crazy, a little weird, and they might be right. Why would people all over the world submit themselves to the unreasonable pain and suffering of forcing themselves outside their comfort zones to pull off crazy stunts (like finding creating a campsite under water) and stretch their creativity by making unusual items (like a wedding dress made out recycled plastic bags)? 


For the very reason that if we want to make the world a better place, we have to see different perspectives, look at the world a new way, celebrate what makes us unique, and embrace the diversity within the human race.


GISH is more than an event. It is a chance to come together and make the world a little more bearable!


To learn more about GISH go to and join me for the next hunt!


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