42 by 42...almost

I recently celebrated my birthday! I’m 42! (As a fantasy/sci-fi geek, this is a big deal!) I set a big health goal for myself on my 41st birthday...42 pounds by 42! My lack of a plan to make '42 by 42' happen resulted in me gaining 8 pounds in 3 months!

I was so unhealthy when I started this journey. Embarrassingly unhealthy! Like, couldn't reach down to put on my socks or tie my shoes, ankles that looked like tree trunks anytime I traveled, panting my way up one flight of stairs, and looking like a drunken elephant when I tried to get up off the floor. (Yes, you can laugh at that! God loves it when we laugh, even at bad jokes!)

Going into 2019 I decided to focus on one of our church's core convictions, Pursue Health. Our statement for this core conviction is as follows:

Because healthy things grow, we want to strive for health in all parts of our lives and relationships in order to complete the journey God has given us.

So I set out to Pursue Health and by my 42nd birthday, I had lost 34 pounds, so many inches and have significantly improved my physical health. I'm counting it as a win! It may not be where I set my goal to be, but it is beyond what I’ve ever done before!

I’ve built so much muscle and lost so many inches that most of my clothes don’t fit. The ones that do were the ones that were in the bottom of my dresser or the back of my closet. You know those clothes, the ones you hang onto because you might fit into them someday! 

I’ve lost just over 10% of my body weight! 

Want to know my miracle, quick-fix tips for losing weight and getting healthy? Here it is...are you ready....it'll blow your mind...here you go... Just start and then keep going.

I started with 3 trial classes at a kick-boxing gym. I made a complete and utter fool of myself, but I had a great time doing it. Then I committed to going twice a week. For me, getting my wallet involved was a major factor in helping me to follow through. I didn't see any weight loss for the first few months, but I started watching my body respond to the activity. I was losing inches and moving better.

About six months in I decided to take on a 6-week challenge that involved stepping up to three classes a week and implementing a Paleo eating plan. No eating plan works perfectly for everyone, but this one worked for me. It helped me break my addiction to sugar and get intentional about what I put in my mouth. I realized that my failure to put my health first led to eating whatever I could get my hands on whenever I was hungry. I used my busy schedule and lack of funds as an excise to stay unhealthy.

I had chosen not to make myself a priority. I had chosen to make me less important than those around me.

I have been called to ministry. I make my living and spend my days telling others how they are valued by God and how much He loves them. I have spent countless hours pouring into people, yet have neglected myself. Talk about not living by example!

I'm still a work in progress! Praise God, He hasn't given up on me!

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Psalm 139:16


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