My tiara

Let me tell you a story about my tiara...when my three girls were little I referred to them as my princesses. One day my sweet Noah looked at me and informed me - in a very royal way, as I had trained her well - that if she was a princess then I, her mommy, must be the Queen! 

She started calling me Queen Mommy.  This was especially endearing since she couldn’t pronounce the “Qu” sound quite right. It kinda caught on, and one of my sweet friends bought me a tiara for my birthday. (I think it may have been the year I threw a royal hissy-fit about my birthday, so I’m not sure I deserved it, which makes it even more special.) 

My daughters and my beautiful girlfriends helped me to see value in myself at a time when I was all about everyone else (except, of course, for during the aforementioned hissy fit - thanks ladies for not disowning me that year!) 

A couple years later, I came to a late night realization that I needed to make as big a deal about myself as I did about others and committed to spoiling myself for one week out of the year, my birthday week. 

So I put on my tiara and wore it proudly every day for a week and spoiled myself in little ways. When the kids were little spoiling myself sometimes simply meant taking a shower every day! 

I’ve continued wearing my tiara each year for the week of my birthday. In fact, I’m actually on my third tiara, because sometimes being a queen is hard and tiaras get worn out. I have even collected several different tiaras, because a girl needs variety.

I spoil myself in little ways and try to spread joy. In some ways I use this week as an excuse to let go and be the 8-year-old girl I still feel like deep down inside!

Each year I celebrate differently. I’ll admit, some years I didn’t feel like celebrating. Some years I was just too tired to focus on myself. But when my birthday rolled around, I’d pull out my tiara.

I think we all need to be reminded that we are royalty, children of the King! Even if we don’t walk in royal robes and crown jewels, we are precious to our creator, the God of the universe who looked at the world and decided it needed us. It needed me. It needed you! 

Precious momma, I’ve been there. I know know how important the people in your world are to you. I know that there are days you forget who you are. I know there are days when you think no one sees you. Know that you are important too. 

Put on your tiara (real or imaginary, I’ll let you choose) and find little ways to spoil yourself. You are worth so much! 

“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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