Pro-parenting tip: Boredom Buster

One summer when my kids were younger I also provided childcare for several of my friends' children and entertained the neighbor girl. Some days there were 11 kids in my home. Oh, and my husband travelled for work and was away from home for months at a time. (Yes, my sanity has been called into question more than once!) Kandice, Noah, Jenny and AJ that summer Early in the summer I made an important announcement to all the children (except the baby): "From this point forward, anyone who utters the words 'I’m bored' or any variation thereof, will earn the honor of cleaning the toilets...whether you are my child or not!" I explained to them that we had board games, a suitcase full of dress-up clothes and accessories, craft supplies, coloring supplies, movies, numerous toys and playthings, and a backyard all available for their enjoyment. They were allowed to ask me for suggestions regarding available activities, but could not use any variation of the words ...